Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Uncircumcised Men Face Penis Health Risk Factors

Until the late 20th century, circumcision of male infants at birth was considered routine and necessary. However, medical research over the last few decades supported the idea that circumcision constituted an unnecessary surgical procedure. Some critics even argue that circumcision amounts to mutilation and takes away the individual's right to choose.

On the other hand, more recent studies have found that circumcision does, in fact, provide multiple health benefits over the lifetime of a male. A recent news article entitled "Fewer Circumcisions Could Cost the US Billions" (The News, 23 August 2012) reports on a study conducted at Johns Hopkins University which revealed that men with an intact foreskin are likely to spend an average of $313 per year beyond what their circumcised counterparts pay due to increased health problems.

This is not to say that men who are uncircumcised should begin planning for surgery any time soon. Many of the risks associated with an uncircumcised penis can be alleviated through proper penis care, including good hygiene, treatment with penis-specific vitamins and minerals, and avoiding unprotected sex.

Health benefits of circumcision

Circumcision is practiced in most parts of the world and involves ablating (cutting away) the protective sheath of skin that covers the glans of the penis. While this was traditionally done for religious reasons, research has shown that men who are circumcised are less prone to infection, sexually transmitted diseases, and aids. On the other hand, circumcision is not without its drawbacks, as it can cause reduced penile sensitivity later in life.

Risk factors related to intact foreskin

For many men's health experts, the recent conclusion seems to be that circumcision is preferred. An intact foreskin has been linked to numerous health problems, as described below:

· Infection- While the foreskin tends to protect the glans (head) of the penis from chafing and provides a degree of natural lubrication, it is also the perfect breeding ground for fungal and bacterial infections. Men who are not circumcised are more likely to develop balanitis, an inflammatory condition which presents as swelling, redness, rash, itching and discharge. An uncircumcised penis is also more prone to fungal infections such as jock itch.

· Phimosis - A common complaint among uncircumcised men is the inability to retract the foreskin fully during an erection. This condition can be quite painful and prevent men from enjoying intercourse. It can even lead to impotence in cases where anxiety over the associated pain can prevent an erection from occurring.

· Hypersensitivity - Men who have an intact foreskin often report having an oversensitive penis. This problem is typically related to phimosis, as the foreskin cannot be retracted fully and the glans is not accustomed to direct contact. An oversensitive penis can prevent men from enjoying sexual intercourse or even masturbation.

Protecting the uncircumcised penis

· Fight off infections - Avoiding infections is often a matter of personal hygiene and penis care. Washing the area under the foreskin daily and treating it with a vitamin crème containing natural antibacterials such as vitamin A can help to ward off infections and keep foul odors related to bacteria from developing.

· Stretching tight foreskin - A tight foreskin can often be treated at home, using natural moisturizers such as shea butter and vitamin E to gently soften the skin. Vitamins C and D also help the skin to maintain its natural tone and elasticity, supporting the dermal tissue as an individual works to slowly retract and stretch the skin, usually over a period of several weeks.

· Reducing hypersensitivity - An oversensitive penis can be a real problem, but men can actually accustom the glans to touch by gently massaging the area for a few minutes every day, using a moisturizing formula to prevent excessive stimulation and friction. Skin care nutrients such as vitamin B5 and alpha lipoic acid provide nerve tissue support during the process

In order to maintain the health of an uncircumcised penis, many health professionals recommend the use of a penis health formula (such as Man1 Man Oil) containing a combination of essential vitamins, antioxidants, and moisturizers that work together to protect against infection and to moisturize the skin while retaining its natural supple quality.

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The Truth About Penis Enlargement Surgery and Why You Should Opt for Natural Methods Instead

There are only three things that men tend to worry about in terms of their physical appearance: their height, their hair, and their penis size. Since hair transplants are currently back in fashion, it comes as no surprise that most men opt for this type of surgery quite often nowadays. Penis enlargement surgery is a very close second, though - even if men won't openly admit it.

Before you decide to go through penis enlargement surgery, though, it would be highly advisable to try other methods of penis enlargement in today's market first. If you go on the World Wide Web, you will see a ton of advertisements for pills, exercises and traction devices, for example, which can all help you out in this department. Believe it or not, these methods don't require any form of surgery, yet tend to be just as effective, though.

Aside from that, you should also find out more about penis enlargement surgery, in general. For starters, penis surgery isn't available on national health services. It is considered to be cosmetic surgery and therefore has to be paid in full by the patient himself. The surgery isn't a very easy one to do, either, and requires flawless skills, especially if the surgery involves making the penis thicker.

On that note, you should know that there are three types of penis enlargement surgery out there: one exists to make the penis longer, and the other to make the wider. The last one exists to make the penis longer and wider. The majority of men who decide to go through this surgery usually choose the third option, so that they can get the best of both words and enhance the look for their penises at the same time.

When it comes to surgery to make the penis longer, the realistic expectations from the results would be an inch of an increase or two. This may not seem like a big difference, but if your penis is only four inches long to begin with, then that would already be quite an achievement. To make the penis longer, the suspensory ligament in the penis will be cut to make it hang lower overall.

When it comes to surgery to make the penis thicker, on the other hand, fat is extracted from a different area, like the stomach, and placed in the penis's shaft. It would be absolutely vital to distribute the fat evenly in this case, though; otherwise, the penis may end up looking ugly, uneven and lumpy.

To avoid this, it would also be vital for you to massage your penis with vaseline after the surgery to make sure it looks even. Also, make sure you don't have sex for about a month and to avoid going to work for a few days after the surgery.

Doctors say that a thicker penis is usually much more important than a longer penis, if your goal is to satisfy your partner sexually. However, having a larger penis won't automatically turn you into a better lover, either - remember that.

Now, if you are taking penis enlargement surgery into consideration, you need to accept all of the complications and risks of this penis enlargement method, as well. Aside from a lumpy and uneven look, there is also the possibility of pain, bruising and infection. Your penis might start angling in one direction when erect, too.

As such, it would be absolutely vital to think long and hard before jumping into penis enlargement surgery. It would also be ideal to talk to your partner about it if you are in a serious and committed relationship. Either way, it would be much safer and just as effective to stick to natural methods of penis enlargement, like penis exercises. Think about it.

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Top Penis Enlargement Mistakes You Absolutely Have to Avoid If You Want a Bigger Penis

If you have always dreamed of getting a larger penis, then it would be absolutely horrendous if you decided to sign on for a male enhancement method and ended up with a lot of unwanted side effects, pain, poor sexual performance and serious diseases, or ended up wasting your money for nothing - right? Unfortunately, this happens quite often to men who don't do enough research before trying out penis enlargement methods. So, how can you avoid this, then? Well, all you really have to do is avoid the top penis enlargement mistakes out there, as follows:

Top Penis Enlargement Mistakes - Number One: Ignoring the basic facts about your manhood.

One of the most basic facts about the size of your penis is that it isn't actually made to be changed. Well, if something wasn't actually made to be changed, then the only way to change it would be through natural methods. Otherwise, you might end up committing some of the top penis enlargement mistakes and damage your penis for life.

Not only do you have to stick to all-natural penis enlargement methods, but you have to be dedicated and consistent while doing them, as well. Remember: if something wasn't actually meant to be changed to begin with, then how can you expect it to change overnight? Naturally, it will take time, consistency, dedication and patience to actually see any results in the end.

Top Penis Enlargement Mistakes - Number Two: Mis-using pills.

Pills are a lot of men's penis enlargement methods of choice. Sadly, the majority of men don't realize that pills aren't very effective in terms of increasing one's penis size. This is because pills don't do anything else but increase the blood flow into the penis, and penis enlargement has so much more to it than that.

However, if you are merely looking for something that will help you get faster results as a supplement for another natural penis enlargement method or if you currently suffer from erectile dysfunction or peyronie's disease, then it would be alright for you to turn to all-natural pills for this.

Top Penis Enlargement Mistakes - Number Three: Not following exercises properly.

Without a doubt, natural penis exercises would be the best methods to turn to in order to increase your penis size, improve your penis health, and enhance your sex life all at the same time. In fact, this method is guaranteed to work - provided you stay consistent with it, that is. If done right and if done regularly, you can actually increase the size of your penis up to four inches, along with its girth. You can also make your erections harder and make them last longer through them.

Sadly, although a lot of men are learning that penis exercises are very powerful and effective at increase their penis size, some of them still take the wrong approach when it comes to them. They make up their own regimens and routines, for example, or skip the basics and go straight for the advanced techniques for faster results. This isn't how these exercises work, though.

If you want penis exercises to work for you, you have to follow the right system and start from the beginner exercises to the advanced ones. In other words, you have to follow the appropriate exercise levels for you in progression and organize your life somehow, so that you have fun while doing them and avoid the top penis enlargement mistakes mentioned above at the same time. Only then will you be able to get the size that you want and ensure that your sex partner enjoys your new penis size as much as you.

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Monday, 27 August 2012

Why Penis Size Is More Important For Guys Now Than Ever, and What You Can Do About It!

Now more than ever, having a bigger than average penis is vitally important not only for a guy's sex life and his success with the ladies, but also for his self-confidence and social standing. There are several reasons for this, which I will go into detail below. I will also reveal what you can do about it if you have a smaller than average penis that is holding you back in different areas of your life.

The average penis size for a guy is 6.5 inches long and 5 inches around. I learned the hard way when I was smaller than average (5.5 inches in length) that penis size is even more important now than it was in our parents' day. Here are the reasons why:

1. Pop culture. For whatever reason, it has become en vogue in recent years to feature penis size as the centerpiece of television shows, movies, and songs. There are several shows running on cable right now that are about well-endowed men, and all of them are receiving excellent ratings and have high viewerships. You can't listen to a top 40 station on the radio for more than 30 minutes or so without hearing several penis size references (some more subtle than others) in hit songs. At the movie theater, raunchy comedies and even more tame PG-13 romantic comedies frequently derive humor from penis size references (and at the expense of men who are less than well-endowed)!

2. Women's liberation. Fifty years ago, it wasn't considered "lady like" for women to state their preferences about penis size outloud, and it especially wasn't deemed acceptable for women to sit around with their girlfriends and compare the sizes of their various partners -- heck, it wasn't even acceptable to have multiple partners back then! Things are very different now. Girls hear from their older friends at a young age how much more pleasurable it is to have sex with guys who are well hung, and as a result, even less experienced women have heightened expectations regarding the penis size of their partners.

3. People have more sex partners now. Whether you like it or not or whether you agree with it or not, waiting until marriage -- or even until you're in a serious relationship -- for sex has become a thing of the past. Women are having multiple partners at a much younger age than before, and what that means if you're small is that there's a very good chance that any woman you sleep with will have experienced larger and much more satisfying men -- and will be underwhelmed with what you bring to the table (or more accurately, the bedroom).

4. The Internet. And with it, increased exposure to adult films. You don't have to rent them from the shady video store anymore! As a result, people are exposed to adult film stars who of course have extremely large penises. Unfortunately, even if you are average (6.5 inches long and 5 inches around), you will seem small in comparison.

So what can you do about it? I was in your shoes, so I can help. Instead of wasting money on pills or other fairy dust, I studied up on natural penis enlargement exercises I could do using just my hands. I incorporated exercises into my routine designed to increase both length and girth, because you need both if you really want to satisfy any woman you sleep with. I performed them religiously for 6-10 minutes daily, and I gained significant size doing so. Within two weeks I began to see my first permanent size gains!

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